Event |
Objective |
Return Required |
Scoring Method |
Comments and Special Rules |
Altitude |
reach highest altitude |
no |
best single flight |
- models are generally tracked to apogee, not ejection
- use tracking powder (line chalk or similar) to improve visiblity
- model may separate into 2 or more pieces
Super-Roc Altitude |
reach highest altitude with longest rocket |
no |
best single flight |
- all notes from Altitude event apply
- model must be within certain length ranges, based on motor class
- scored as length in centimeters times altitude in meters
Precision Altitude |
come closest to target altitude |
no |
one flight only |
- all notes from Altitude event apply
- depending on event, target altitude may be chosen by contest
director, contestant, or selected randomly at the start of the
- must be flown before any other altitude events
- scored as relative error from target altitude
Cluster Altitude |
cluster several motors to reach highest altitude |
yes |
best single flight |
- all notes from Altitude event apply
- number of motors clustered depends on motor class
- motors must be ignited simultaneously on the pad, but need not all
burn to qualify
- no return results in disqualification
Payload |
loft payload(s) to highest altitude |
yes |
best single flight |
- all notes from Altitude event apply
- number of payloads(s) lofted depends on motor class
- payload(s) must be entirely contained within the rocket
- payloads must be 19.1 +/- 0.5 mm diameter, 70 +/- 10 mm long, and
weigh 28.0 g or more
- section containing payload must descend via parachute
- no return results in disqualification
Egg Lofting Altitude |
loft a fresh egg to highest altitude |
yes |
best single flight |
- all notes from Altitude event apply
- eggs must weigh 60 +/- 3 g and measure 45 mm or less in diameter
- any cracks in the egg will cause a disqualification
- no return results in disqualification
Dual Egg Lofting Altitude |
loft 2 fresh eggs to highest altitude |
yes |
best single flight |
- all notes from Egg Lofting Altitude event apply
Parachute Duration |
longest duration using parachute recovery |
yes |
sum of 2 flights |
- model is timed from first motion until landing or losing sight
- model may not separate into 2 or more pieces
- no return results in flight points only
Streamer Duration |
longest duration using streamer recovery |
yes |
sum of 2 flights |
- all notes from Parachute Duration event apply
- streamer must have length:width raio of 5:1 and be at least 100 sq
- streamer can only be attached at one point
Helicopter Duration |
longest duration using helicopter recovery |
yes |
sum of 2 flights |
- all notes from Parachute Duration event apply
- model must rotate about vertical axis on descent
Super-Roc Duration |
longest duration with longest rocket |
yes |
sum of 2 flights |
- all notes from Parachute Duration event apply
- model must be within certain length ranges, based on motor class
- scored as length in centimeters times duration in seconds
Egg Lofting Duration |
loft a fresh egg and achieve longest duration |
yes |
best single flight |
- model is timed from first motion until landing or losing sight
- model may not separate into 2 or more pieces
- eggs must weigh 60 +/- 3 g and measure 45 mm or less in diameter
- any cracks in the egg will cause a disqualification
- no return results in disqualification
Dual Egg Lofting Duration |
loft 2 fresh eggs and achieve longest duration |
yes |
best single flight |
- all notes from Egg Lofting Duration event apply
Boost Glider Duration |
longest duration using glide recovery |
yes |
sum of 2 flights |
- glider is timed from first motion until landing or losing sight
- glider may separate from the booster
- glider must glide to qualify (check with contest director for
rules to determine glide)
- no return results in flight points only
Rocket Glider Duration |
longest duration using glide recovery |
yes |
sum of 2 flights |
- glider is timed from first motion until landing or losing sight
- model may not separate into 2 or more pieces
- model must glide to qualify (check with contest director for rules
to determine glide)
- no return results in flight points only
Flex-Wing Boost Glider Duration |
longest duration using glide recovery |
yes |
sum of 2 flights |
- all notes from Boost Glider Duration event apply
- aerodynamic lifting surface must be made of flexible material
Precision Duration |
come closest to target duration |
no |
one flight only |
- all notes from Parachute Duration event apply
- any type of recovery device may be used
- depending on event, target duration may be chosen by contest
director, contestant, or selected randomly at the start of the
- must be flown before any other duration events
- scored as relative error from target duration
Scale |
fly a scale replica of a real rocket |
no |
best single flight |
- plastic models are excluded
- model is judged and awarded static points based on various
- flight points are awarded for each flight
- scored as sum of static and flight points
Scale Altitude |
reach highest altitude with scale replica |
no |
best single flight |
- all notes from Altitude event apply
- all notes from Scale event apply, except for scoring
- scored as sum of static points, flight points, and altitude in
Super Scale |
fly a scale replica of a real rocket, with launch support equipment |
no |
best single flight |
- all notes from Scale event apply
- launch support equipment is also judged for static points
- model must be launched from replica support equipment
Sport Scale |
fly a scale replica of a real rocket |
no |
best single flight |
- all notes from Scale event apply
- judging is much less stringent than in Scale
- variations on this event may specify the size of models to be
Space Systems |
fly a scale replica of a real rocket |
no |
best single flight |
- all notes from Scale event apply
- rocket must perform a flight simulation representative of the
Plastic Model Conversion |
convert a plastic model for flight |
no |
best single flight |
- must be a plastic model (missile, rocket, or jet) not originally
produced to be flown as a rocket
- model is judged and awarded static points based on various
- flight points are awarded for each flight
- scored as sum of static and flight points
Spot Landing |
land closest to marked spot |
no |
one flight only |
- entries may not be remotely controlled or remotely guided
- recovery device must deploy fully before landing
- variations on this event may specify parachute or streamer
- model may not separate into 2 or more pieces
- scored as distance from spot in meters
- models landing more than 50 m away receive flight points only
Drag Race |
quick liftoff, low altitude, long duration |
no |
flyoffs determine winner |
- 2 competitors participate in each flyoff
- 1 point awarded for each criteria: first off the pad, lower
altitude, longer duration
- models launching before T-0 or after T+2 are disqualified
- contestant receiving more points is the winner of that heat
- heats continue in a bracket system until an overall winner is
Radio Controlled Glider |
land a glider closest to specified space-time coordinate |
no |
sum of 3 flights |
- target time chosen by contestant from 30 sec to 8 min, in 30 sec
- scored sum distance from spot in meters and relative error
(multiplied by 100) in duration
Research and Development |
research project using model rocketry or advancing rocketry technology |
no |
judges determine winner |
- contestants complete a research project, write a report, and
deliver an oral presentation before a panel of judges